Page name: Asylum: Wolf's Creek [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-05-06 02:53:04
Last author: wolvie
Owner: Ritsuka-Kun
# of watchers: 6
D20: 17
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Username: [Ritsuka-Kun]
Character Name: Misa Nakori
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Race: Human
Affiliation: None
Secret/Fear: She fears her father
History: Starting when she was a little girl about age 7 her father began to abuse her both physically and sexually. 14 yrs later she still lives with the man in fear for her own life. Her father has been known to whore her out to strangers for money for his drug/alcohol addiction. She's has 3 kids from the traumatizing event, but in her mind her father is doing no wrong and wont admit of what he's doing. She blames what happens to her on herself thinking that if she hadnt been a bad girl this wouldnt be happening and that this is the only way her father will love her so she makes up excuse after excuse of why she has bruising and 3 kids with no fathers the whole town thinks she just a common whore.
Other Info: none that i know of
Her 3 kids: Tara Age 7 <img:stuff/aj/49600/babyone.jpg>
Bryce Age 2 <img:stuff/aj/49600/babytwo.jpg>
Sammy 10 months <img:stuff/aj/49600/babythree.jpg>

Username: [Ritsuka-Kun]
Character Name: Gackt Camui
Age: somewhere over 800 yrs old
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
Race: Vampire
Affiliation: None
Secret/Fear: Leader of a malicious vampire clan that are essentially assassins for hire killing anyone mercilessly
History: He joined the clan as a lower level vampire quickly rising to the top by assassinating those in his ways. After years and years of killing coldly its become a job for him. He justifies the deaths by saying that those whom he is killing deserves it for some one reason or another that they have a secret to hide. He's adopted the idea of the gylthien's to justify himself. Though it kills him inside to know what he's doing but he cant let anyone know now of what he is in fear that his own life would be sacrificed.
Other Info: [sssshhh for the funny-ness of it XD] He has a boyfriend, Logan [no its not the logan you're thinking of >.>] whom doesnt approve of what he does but understands the rules of Gackt's clan and why he does what he does. [x3]

Username: [Ritsuka-Kun]
Character Name: Sachi Yukio
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bi
Race: Demon
Affiliation: Gylthiens
Secret/Fear: doesnt have one for she is part of the gylthiens
History: She doesnt have one she's been awoken after years of sleep to help the glythiens
Other Info: none that i know of

Username: [wolvie]
Character Name: Frank Banister (i'll come up with a different second character in a min or two :D i know i use frank alot sorry i suck at coming up with my own original people)
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Race: Human
Affiliation: none
Secret/Fear: he fears fire
History: He was on a business vacation two years ago when a drunk threw a lit cigarette butt at his house, everything was burned, his wife, two kids, and pets were all burned to death. Frank believes that it was his fault and that if he would have been home he could have saved them. (will come up with more stuff laters :D)
Other Info: nothin :D

Character Name: Logan
Age: Unknown
Sexuality: Bi
Affiliation: None
Secret/Fear: he fears experimentation and doctor's in general
History (comin when I'm not lazy :D)
Other Info: Mutant (ya'll know his powers :D)
pic to be here eventually :D

Character Name:Lucc
 Race:Unknowen to himself.
 Secret/Fear:He fears the truth being know. His secrets are that he has kill over more than 50 people.
 History:He has had a hard life. Ever since he was 16 everything has went down hill on him. He does what he need to survise. He regets killing but things just happen, but he mosty kills when his alter side kicks in. He cant control when his bad side takes over.
Character Name:Sam
 Secret/Fear:Afarid people will turn from her for what she is. She has stolen many priceless things.
 History:She has moved from town to town. She has lost her parents in a bad car accident. She went to live her grandma at age 10 but at age 17 her grandma passed and she had no one but herself
Animal form--><img:><-Human form

Username: [Tis gone but never gone]
Character Name: Maggie McKay
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Lesbian
Race: Vampire
Affiliation: Unknown
Secret/Fear: She is scared that her family will find out that she is gay.
History: She lived in Scotland with her mother and father until her father got a job in the USA and so they moved. She a student at college studying dance in the arts.
Other Info: She dresses like a slut XD She smokes and drinks too cause she is a party animal XD

Username: [GlassCasket]
Character Name: Hotsuma Oboro
Age: Unknown Formed when lightning and thunder came into existance
Gender: Male figure of a demon
Sexuality: Straight
Race: Lightning Demon
Affiliation: Loosely affiliated with the Gylthiens, he will help them sometimes but not always.
Secret/Fear: He is the leader of an underground ninja clan called The Blitz. They aren't known to common people but to all underlings and creatons as well as some corrupted officials, their name is most common. His abilities are amazing and unbearable.He has no fear for the Gylthiens took them from him.
 History: He was the son of Thunder and Lightning when their forms were thrust together in the foundation of Earth. The formless void became an active explosive trust of lightning and thunder. Shocks and Shockwaves were thrown about randomly until he tamed them within himself.
 Other Info: Uses a demonically empowered sword, Akujiki. It is filled with Cleopatra, the demon of greed and lust. It can absorb the life essence of any being that can exist in the physical of spiritual realm. It is also imbued with the essence of lightning itself causing massive lightning damage and control. He also uses a gauntlet called Tarkijiki Imbued with the spirit of Thunder. It has the ability to throw sonic booms and destroy matter instantaneously.

back to asylum

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2010-05-04 [wolvie]: Frank gets up, going inside he didn't want to watch that happy little family it brought too many memories to him

2010-05-04 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Misa smiled "home to daddy.."

Sammy frowned "No mommy"

2010-05-04 [wolvie]: Frank looks around, i gotta get over it but...god it's hard

2010-05-04 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Sammy pulled away runnin into frank's yard "No!"

2010-05-04 [wolvie]: Frank hear's Sammy and sighs, "Damned people can't even controll their goddamned kids" he mutters then goes back out, watching Sammy

2010-05-04 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Sammy "no! daddy's mean!"

Misa sighed "im sorry sir come here sammy now"

2010-05-04 [wolvie]: Frank frowns, "it's ok but i don't think she wants her dad"

2010-05-04 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Misa "i have to go home dad will be mad if im not home soon.."

Sammy starts crying.

2010-05-04 [wolvie]: Frank, "Well you guys can the cops or something from here if you want"

2010-05-04 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Misa "oh would hate that"

Sammy sniffles

2010-05-04 [wolvie]: Frank shrugs, "Well your kids don't look too thrilled to see him"

2010-05-04 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Sammy "daddy calls mommy daughter"

Misa "dont lie like that sammy"

2010-05-04 [wolvie]: Frank frowns, not sure how to reply

2010-05-04 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Misa goes picking up Sammy "so sorry" she walks off quickly

2010-05-04 [wolvie]: Frank watches them go then shakes his head "not my problem" he mutters and goes back inside

2010-05-04 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smirked as he stalked his prey.

2010-05-04 [wolvie]: Frank goes up to his room and curls up

2010-05-04 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt hopped up onto the window sill of frank's bedroom he had grown bored of his prey and wanted somethin new

2010-05-04 [wolvie]: Frank looks over, notocing Gackt, he jumps then shakes a little bit, "Hello?"

2010-05-04 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smirks "hi there"

2010-05-04 [wolvie]: Frank reaches for the gun he keeps under his bed "Get lost"

2010-05-04 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "you're gun wont save you"

2010-05-04 [wolvie]: Frank grabs the gun and aims at Gackt, "Wanna test it?"

2010-05-04 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smirks "go on"

2010-05-04 [wolvie]: Frank looks away as he fires the gun

2010-05-04 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt lets the bullet hit him falling out of the window he climbs slowly up the side of the house back to the window sill "hi frankie boy"

2010-05-04 [wolvie]: Frank jumps, clearly unnerved as he fires 5 shots at Gackt before the gun empties

2010-05-04 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smirks moving quickly pinning frank down gently moving his hand around his throat "ssshhh"

2010-05-04 [wolvie]: Frank shakes, trying to get away Gackt

2010-05-04 [GlassCasket]: The lightning flared from outside of the building and the thnder cracked with a loud sonic boom. The rain poured down as Hotsuma was struck into the room with a bolt of lightning, "Gackt, what do you think you are doing?" He asked with thunder in his voice and lightning flashing through his unmasked white eyes. His mask was above his eyes at this point.

2010-05-04 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiles "havin some fun trust me its mutual its just a 'game'" he chuckled

2010-05-04 [GlassCasket]: Hotsuma looked at Frank then at Gakt, "He does not think of this as a game, Gackt, you know the rules, abide by them." He said thunder rolling behind every word he spoke, "This one is not yours to 'play' with yet." He stated firmly.

2010-05-04 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt got up "no fair"

2010-05-04 [wolvie]: Frank shakes more too scared to talk or move

2010-05-04 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smirked "you get to live tonight"

2010-05-04 [GlassCasket]: Hotsuma nodded, "Perhaps another time Gackt, but for now, this one still has a tale to unravel." He said and the lightning struck one more time damaging nothing but leaving a small black streak on his floor where Hotsuma had stood no more than a second ago. It was the only evidence of him being there at all.

2010-05-04 [GlassCasket]: [EPIC SAVIOR!!! XD]

2010-05-04 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smirks "you're lucky but next time you wont be" he hops out of the window and darts off into the dark.

2010-05-04 [wolvie]: Frank sighs in relief, already mostly convinced it wa all just a dream

2010-05-04 [GlassCasket]: Hotsuma watched Gackt leave. There was another flash of lightning that blinded the entire sky and the thunder and rain roared. After the flash died down there was a note ablaze but not disintegrating on Franks counter it burned nothing and was not burned as if asking to be snuffed out.

2010-05-04 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt grumbled as he left.

2010-05-04 [wolvie]: Frank shields his eyes from the lightining then slowly gets up and goes to the note

2010-05-04 [GlassCasket]: The fire dims and the note pops open. There were two boxes
Check one:
[]Wake up tomorrow and forget...
[]See how deep the rabbit hole goes...

2010-05-04 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [check box number 2 XD]

2010-05-04 [GlassCasket]: The note explodes in a fury of lightning but it did not hurt. Then the apartment was the same again.

2010-05-04 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Sachi kept tabs on Frank, Misa, And Gackt she smirked "these people will do fine for our game"

2010-05-04 [GlassCasket]: [So...Kinda changed Hotsuma xD]

Hotsuma struck into Sachi's presents on a bolt of lightning in a kneeled position, "The one named Frank is recruited." He said keeping his gaze to the ground and his face guard on.

2010-05-04 [wolvie]: Frank jumps and shakes, "no..."

2010-05-04 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Sachi nods "good now all we need is gackt and taki" she smirked "is the room ready for them? they will admit their secrets if not they die"

2010-05-04 [GlassCasket]: Hotsume nodded still in bow, "Yes m'lady, the room is ready and all recruits currently in queue are ready for instant transport on your command. Taki is yet to be recruited but i can get both Gackt and her tonight if need be." He concluded.

2010-05-04 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Sachi "i think it would be best if we acted quickly"

2010-05-04 [GlassCasket]: Hotsuma nodded from bow and was struck out in a bolt of lightning. He struck donw before Gackt in the alleyway below Frank's apartment, "Gackt, You have been requested." He said and held out a note.

2010-05-04 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "for what? ya know what i decline i have more important things to do"

2010-05-04 [GlassCasket]: Hotsuma laughed a little the thunder rolling from his tongue, "Frank will be there..." He grinned and spoke again, "What have you better to do? Stalk choir boys again?" He asked.

2010-05-04 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "i was stalkin a choir boy this time i had a job to complete got distracted"

2010-05-04 [wolvie]: Frank shrugs uneasilly, just seeing things that's all

2010-05-04 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Misa smiled trying to distract herself from her father

2010-05-04 [wolvie]: Frank shakes his head to clear it, getting a shot of whiskey then heads to the couch and curls up

2010-05-04 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Misa sighed she was glad that he was asleep

2010-05-04 [wolvie]: Frank frowns, something bad's gonna happen

2010-05-04 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Misa tried ignoring her feelings she thought somethin might happen but she just wanted to ignore it

2010-05-04 [wolvie]: Frank shrugs and falls into a light sleep

2010-05-04 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Misa smiled putting her kids to sleep then layed down falling asleep. In the morning she, frank, and gackt would awake to a totally different area a cold hospital like room with nothing in it but them and a small receiver box on the wall.

2010-05-04 [wolvie]: Frank yawns waking the next mornin then frowns, wonderin if her's still asleep as he looks around

2010-05-04 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt is sittin up his nails runnin along the floor.

Misa curled up more shaking she didnt want to wake up just yet.

2010-05-04 [wolvie]: Frank rubs his head, looking around

2010-05-04 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Misa sat up slowly "where am i?"

2010-05-04 [wolvie]: Frank shrugs a little, "No clue"

2010-05-04 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Misa shook lightly "oh babies..."

2010-05-04 [wolvie]: Frank frowns, "We'll get ya out of here"

2010-05-04 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Misa shakes more "they're at home alone...oh god..."

2010-05-04 [wolvie]: Frank, "They'll be ok..."

2010-05-04 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Misa nods " dads there"

2010-05-04 [wolvie]: Frank, "We'll get you out"

2010-05-04 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Misa nods trying to calm down

2010-05-04 [wolvie]: Frank smiles a little then see's Gackt and shakes

2010-05-04 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt isnt paying attention to them.

Misa "something wrong frank?"

2010-05-04 [wolvie]: Frank looks away from Gackt and shakes his head, "No..."

2010-05-05 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Misa "you sure?"

2010-05-05 [wolvie]: Frank nods a little, "yeah"

2010-05-05 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Misa "well alright but where are we?"

2010-05-05 [wolvie]: Frank, "I odn't know"

2010-05-05 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Misa sighs softly

2010-05-05 [wolvie]: Frank, "Hey it'll be fine"

2010-05-05 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Misa "i hope so"

2010-05-05 [wolvie]: Frank smiles a little, "It will"

2010-05-05 [GlassCasket]: Hotsuma shrugged, "Perhaps they were right about you then, Gackt..."

2010-05-05 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt looked around the room "who said that?"

Sachi chuckles "come here hotsuma we have them in the room"

Misa smiles back "alright"

2010-05-05 [wolvie]: Frank sits down, running a hand through his hair with a sigh

2010-05-05 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Misa brings her knees to her chest looking around

2010-05-05 [wolvie]: Frank shakes slightlt

2010-05-05 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Misa leans against Frank

2010-05-05 [wolvie]: Frank jumps a little, looking at her

2010-05-05 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Misa sighs fiddling with her fingers

2010-05-05 [wolvie]: Frank, "I'm here for you" he says softly

2010-05-05 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Misa smiles "thanks"

2010-05-05 [wolvie]: Frank smiles back and nods, "Welcome"

2010-05-05 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Misa curls up to him

2010-05-05 [GlassCasket]: Hotsuma appeared in a bolt of lightning bowing before her, "You have them then?" He asked the thunder still rumbling in his throat.

2010-05-05 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Sachi nodded pointing to the screens "yep they're in the room now to make them face their fears" she chuckles "who faces theirs first?"

2010-05-05 [wolvie]: Frank sighs softly

2010-05-05 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Misa "what do you think is gonna happen to us?"

2010-05-05 [wolvie]: Frank shakes his head, "i don't know..."

2010-05-05 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Misa shakes fighting back her tears

2010-05-05 [GlassCasket]: Hotsuma grinned, "I would love to see Gackt, but i think we should do Frank first, fire is very invigorating." He said still in a bowing position.

2010-05-05 [wolvie]: Frank frowns, not knowing what to do to comfort her

2010-05-05 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Sachi smiled "alright his family was killed in a fire it seems like he's taken a protective stance towards misa" she pushes a button as Misa is pulled against the wall by some mechanical arms. A line of fire surrounds her and slowly advances towards her. Sachi smirks talking into the microphone "hello frank guess what game we're gonna play today? can you save her frank will you succeed with her where as you failed your family tick tock the the fire creeps closer. to your right you'll see a small shelf jutting from the wall on the shelf there are 35 items only one will put out the fire the other 34 will accelerate it can you choose the right or doom her to a death?"

2010-05-05 [wolvie]: Frank jumps then winces from the fire and starts shaking, " can't...please..." he shakes, near tears as he tries to force himself to go to the shelf, it would mean going near the fire

2010-05-05 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt watches him quietly

2010-05-05 [wolvie]: Frank looks around the room despretly, "Who'se doing this? Let her go damnit! This is fucking inhumane!" he wipes his rears off and backs away from the flames shaking

2010-05-05 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Sachi smirks "ah ah ah the more you talk the less time you have to save her and what would become of her children. what do you think daddy'll do with em? betcha can guess"

2010-05-05 [wolvie]: Frank moans in fear then goes to the shelf, grabbin things at random, clearly panicing as he throws things at the flamea

2010-05-05 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Misa screams as the flames accelerate.

Gackt walks over sniffing the bottles handing one to frank "this one"

2010-05-05 [GlassCasket]: Hotsuma chuckled a little.

2010-05-05 [wolvie]: Frank jumps and grabs the bottle blindly, throwing it

2010-05-05 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Sachi smirks making the flames more intense "awe that wouldnt be fair of me doing that" she extinguishes the flames releasing Misa

Misa falls to the floor crying.

2010-05-05 [wolvie]: Frank collapses, holding his knees to his chest and shaking

2010-05-05 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt rolled his eyes kneeling next to Misa making sure she was ok

2010-05-05 [wolvie]: Frank sighs shakilly, staying curled up, he kept seein his wife and kids in his memory, i can't do a fcking thing right...god...they were in so much pain...i couldn't save them...

2010-05-05 [GlassCasket]: Hotsuma laughed a little and stepped forward to the room. He spoke into the room thunder in his voice, "Your fear will rule you!" He said from his throat.

2010-05-05 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt looked around scanning the room there has to be a way outta here

2010-05-05 [wolvie]: Frank, "Fuck you..." he says softly

2010-05-05 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt keeps scanning the room there had to be some way they got us in here

2010-05-05 [wolvie]: Frank sighs then looks over at Misa, "Sorry..."

2010-05-05 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Misa goes over to Frank wrapping her arms around him shaking

2010-05-05 [wolvie]: Frank isn't expecting that and shakes, "Are you ok?"

2010-05-05 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Misa nods "im fine thank you"

2010-05-05 [wolvie]: Frank nods, "Good...i'm sorry...i panicked.."

2010-05-05 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Misa "its alright"

2010-05-05 [GlassCasket]: Hotsuma laughed, "Panic is a weakness drawn by fear. Eliminate the fear and you will not panic.

2010-05-05 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Sachi chuckled nodding.

2010-05-05 [wolvie]: Frank sighs heavilly, rubbing at his eyes

2010-05-05 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Misa shakes lightly "i hope we get out soon"

2010-05-05 [wolvie]: Frank, "We..we will" he tries to hide the doubt in his voice

2010-05-05 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Misa looks at him "you promise?"

2010-05-05 [wolvie]: Frank nods, "Yeah"

2010-05-05 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Misa hugs him tightly

2010-05-06 [GlassCasket]: Hotsuma shook his head, "Pointless relationships will not save you from fear!" The thunder rolled across the room.

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Frank goes to hug back then jumps and shakes, "Who'se saying that?"

2010-05-06 [GlassCasket]: Lightning strikes throughout the room originating in the center and striking outwards hitting them all but not hurting them, "I am Hotsuma! Entity of Thunder and Lightning, sustainer of their massive power and container of the power bestowed upon the Earth." He roared into the room not entering it.

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Frank cries out in fear, burrying his face in his arms, "Leave us alone!"

2010-05-06 [GlassCasket]: Hotsuma smiled, "No, this is quite fun." He said thunder rolling out.

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Sachi chuckled

Misa trembled curling up to frank

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Frank shakes, "It''ll be ok..."

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Misa holds tight to him

Gackt smirks "I have no fear you fools why am i here?" but he knew he was lying his fear was losing logan because of what he did on a nightly basis

2010-05-06 [GlassCasket]: Hotsuma laughed, "Is that so? The mighty Gackt with no fear, perhaps Logan would beg to differ?" He said into the room thunder booming from the walls. Then he turned to Sachi, "May I take Gackt's fear?" He asked so the room could not hear.

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Frank frowns but lets her hold him

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Sachi smiles "you may"

Gackt jumps "dont you talk about him!"

Misa shakes lightly

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Frank, "It'll be alright I promise"

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Misa smiles "i know"

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Frank smiles back a little

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Misa "dont let go" she whispered softly

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Frank, "I won't" he whispers back

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Misa smiled "good"

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Frank smiles back softly

Logan frowns, where the hell is Gackt? he sighs then gets up, paying for his drinks and leaving the resteraunt, that's it I hate to but imma have to leave him he keeps doing this...

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Misa cuddles close looking over at Gackt.

Gackt sighed "i was suppose to meet him tonight..."

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Frank, "Meet who?"

Logan starts walking back for home

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "logan...for make up for all those night returning home from what i do..."

Sachi appears behind logan "oh there you are"

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Frank frowns not sure how to reply

Logan turns quickly, pushing his claws out, "Who're you?"

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: gackt "sorry i meant not returning home to him"

Sachi smirked "i know your greatest fear"

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Frank, "I'm sorry..."

Logan, "I don't fear anything"

2010-05-06 [GlassCasket]: Hotsuma smiled evilly, "Gackt, you will soon taste fear..." He chuckled like a roaring rain.

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt shrugged "my fault"

Sachi held up a needle "oh really?"

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Frank doesn't reply just shakes lightly

Logan jumps, taking a step back, eyeing the needle, "Really"

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Misa smiled "it'll be ok"

Sachi moved quickly injecting logan with a serum to knock him out

2010-05-06 [GlassCasket]: Lightning struck the two transporting Sachi back to where Hotsuma was and placing Logan in the room, "You do not fear anything?" He asked Gackt again.

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Frank nods a little

Logan tres to slash her but isn't quiet fast enough and growls, as the drug knocks him out

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt goes over to Logan shaking him "logan? logan! baby wake up" he frowns.

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Logan moans a little, "Uhhh.."

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt breathes a sigh of relief "baby? its me"

2010-05-06 [GlassCasket]: Hotsuma laughed slightly, "Now...taste your fear." A wall jumped between the two groups putting Frank and Misa on one side and Gackt and Logan on another. Gackt's side darkens, "Blitz!" Hotsuma yells sharply and the sound of pattering feet was heard in the total blackness. The light tapping multiplied as more ninjas entered that side of the room.

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Frank jumps then holds Misa tightly

Logan tries to get up, feeling dizzy and sick to his stomach, "What...where? what's goin on?"

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Misa jumped clinging to frank

Gackt got up his eyes turning red smirking "bring it"

2010-05-06 [GlassCasket]: The footsteps scattered and nothing could be heard for a moment. Then a sudden rush. The ninjas swept the Disoriented Logan from his feet and tied him up from the rafters. Three of them held open plams and the third held a spear, "You do not remember us, do you Gackt?" The spearman asked. Their area lit up but there was still many movements on the ground.

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Logan shakes his head to try and clear it, "huh?"

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt shakes "it cant be...all those people ive killed leave him alone!" he shakes more "he's never done anything to you!"

2010-05-06 [GlassCasket]: The spearman laughed, "The Blitz never forgets." He said chains slam into Gackts legs and arms hooks puncturing his skin and holding him in place. One of the opened palmed guys struck Logan hard in the chest shocking him as well.

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt screamed in pain shaking "logan! no!"

2010-05-06 [GlassCasket]: The chains dragged Gackt down onto his back into a more immobilized position. The second plam struck Logan harder than the last sending more shockwaves through Logan's chest. The leader spoke again, "You thought you could get rid of us...but the Blitz, it never forgets and it always gets our revenge."

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Logan snarls in pain, starting to come more into focus when he hears Gackt scream

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt attempts to struggle to get free but realizes he cant but he tries anyway "no! god dont hurt him! take me! i deserve it!" he said as tears streamed down his face.

2010-05-06 [GlassCasket]: Ignoring Gackt the spearman stood on one of the rafters and pointed his spear at Logan's back. The palm ninjas ripped Logans shirt off and the spearman carved deep into logans back lightning striking throughout Logan's body. With every break of his skin the lightning grew more intense.

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt shakes "please dont! no! logan!"

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Logan snarls loudly in pain, pushing his claws out as he struggles to get loose

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Misa frowned burying her face into Frank's chest.

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Frank shakes, rubbing her back

2010-05-06 [GlassCasket]: The spearman finishes engraving the symbol of the blitz into his back then jams the spear into Logan's back just enough to embed it there but not kill him. Two lies of red crimson blood with three triangles in the middle of them shown on Logans back. The spear stayed and all of the Blitz ninjas dissappeared as well as their weapons except the spear. The hooks were gone from Gackt's arms and legs and Logan dropped from the rafters no longer held by their chains.

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Misa shook tryin to calm down

Gackt rushed over to Logan trying to pull out the spear "logan! baby say you're ok"

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Frank bites his lip hard, forcing himself to calm down, "it's ok"

Logan's wounds start slowly healing except for where the spear is, "Ugh...hurts..." he mutters weakilly

2010-05-06 [GlassCasket]: The spear comes loose but the wound stays under constant shock. Hotsuma spoke into the room as the wall came down and the darkness faded, "This is but a taste." He said thunder again.

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Misa "why are they doing this?"

Gackt frowns fighting back more tears " no no you have to heal completely i'll give it up i'll give up what i do if you'd get better"

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Frank shakes his head, "I...I don't know"

Logan snarls weakilly, clenching his fists, "Oh god...fuck it hurts.."

2010-05-06 [GlassCasket]: The wound festers still and then dies out slightly leaving a large scar on his back where it was.

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Misa sighs "let us go!" she yells.

Gackt hugs him tightly once the wound heals "oh baby im so sorry..."

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Frank looks around the room despretly

Logan lets him hug him looking confused, "What's going on?"

2010-05-06 [GlassCasket]: Hotsuma said nothing and stared into their faces gleefully.

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Misa shakes as she starts crying.

Gackt sighs "i dont know...i meant to be there tonight i really did...ive been here..."

Sachi smirks "what do we do for her?"

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Frank frowns, rubbing her back, trying to offer comfort

Logan, "I know Gackt...I believe you"

2010-05-06 [GlassCasket]: Hotsuma shrugged, "You should take her..." He said smiling.

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Misa nods.

Gackt smiles "im so sorry..."

Sachi smirks "hmmm what to do what to do"

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